Steelcase WorkLife Survey

Steelcase approaches everything from the goal of understanding how people work. When they wanted a research-based showroom experience, we worked with them to create an application that collects data and turns it into a visual talking point; bringing research results to the forefront of dealer conversations.

The WorkLife survey is installed in showrooms across the globe, collecting and displaying real-time results from all participating locations; as well as offering a localized view unique to each new input. Showroom visitors use a custom iPad application to answer a simple question about their work experience. Their answers trigger the screen to shift from a global overview to a hyper-localized visualization of their data in comparison to global and city-specific results.

This provides Steelcase with a robust collection of data on how people work, and it offers a unique opportunity for their customers to participate in that conversation.

Steelcase WorkLife Survey
Steelcase WorkLife Survey - iPad App

Showroom Photography: © Steelcase